Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE)
€50.84 3.3%
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ENR.DE Price Prediction
Based on a combination of financial analysis, technical indicators, and insights from alternative data, we predict that the stock price of Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE), currently trading at €50.84, will... Sign up to access price prediction.
This prediction is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Market conditions are subject to change, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Please conduct your own research or consult a professional before making investment decisions.
About ENR.DE
Siemens Energy AG operates as an energy technology company worldwide.
Industrial - Machinery
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ENR.DE Financials
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ENR.DE Technicals
What's the current price of Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) Stock?
The price of an Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) share is €50.84.
What's the market cap of Siemens Energy AG?
The current market cap of Siemens Energy AG is 40.3B.
Should I buy or sell ENR.DE?
Siemens Energy AG shows several positive indicators, but they aren’t strong enough to warrant a buy recommendation. At its current price, Siemens Energy AG is better viewed as a hold or accumulate position while waiting for further developments.
Is Siemens Energy AG a good investment?
The current analysis of Siemens Energy AG's fundamentals, technical aspects, and alternative data insights indicates a neutral outlook on the stock. While there are promising elements in Siemens Energy AG's portfolio, the presence of equal risks and opportunities suggests that it might not drive significant gains or losses at this moment.
Is now a good time to buy Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) Stock?
Based on an analysis that includes fundamentals, technical analysis, and alternative data insights, the outlook for Siemens Energy AG stock is currently neutral, suggesting a cautious approach might be wise.
What are some stocks similar to Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) that investors often compare it to?
Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) is often compared to similar stocks such as ITM Power Plc, KONE Oyj, Nel ASA, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft and Siemens Aktiengesellschaft.
What is the forecast for Siemens Energy AG's stock price in 2026?
Using a mix of financial analysis, technical indicators, and alternative data, we forecast Siemens Energy AG's stock price to be around €52.94 in 2026. Starting from the current price of €50.84, this represents a 4.1% change in price, indicating a neutral outlook for the stock.
How to buy Siemens Energy AG (ENR.DE) Stock?
Siemens Energy AG stock is available for purchase through numerous brokerage firms, including online platforms. Investors can also buy Siemens Energy AG shares via trading apps on their smartphones or by utilizing services like robo-advisors for automated investing.