International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) Stock Price

£356.8 2.6%

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AI Score

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Our AI score evaluates a company's performance on a scale from 0 to 10 by analyzing alternative data points — web traffic, app downloads, job postings, etc - along with financial health and technical signals. Scores below 4 project bearish performance, while scores above 6 project bullish performance.

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IAG.L AI Stock Analysis

Financial Performance

The financial performance of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. has shown positive trends in recent quarters. Revenue is up by 29.1% YoY and 12.5% QoQ, indicating a solid growth trajectory. Gross profit and operating income have also seen significant increases, with the latter rising by an impressive 263.4% YoY. The EBITDA ratio of the company stands at a healthy level of 0.23.

Stock Price

The stock price for the company has been on an upward trend, increasing by 8% over the past month and a substantial 119% YoY. The current RSI value is at an elevated level of 67.8, which might indicate that the stock is nearing overbought territory but still not there yet considering its below or equal to '70'. Additionally, the stock's price is significantly above its 200-day moving average (£204.85), another bullish signal.

Alternative Data Signals

Web traffic to International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.'s site has increased slightly MoM, suggesting growing interest in the company's services or products from consumers or investors alike. However, job postings have dropped dramatically YoY to zero currently which could be due to multiple reasons including restructuring or cost-cutting measures etc., this needs further investigation before drawing any conclusion though it does raise some concerns about future growth prospects if viewed negatively without context.. Employee sentiment regarding business outlook remains positive with no change from previous month.


In summary, International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.'s strong financial performance coupled with robust stock price growth suggests a bullish outlook for their stock despite certain negative alternative data signals like zero job postings. However, the high RSI and PE ratio may indicate that the stock is nearing overvalued territory, which could limit future price growth.

Note: This AI Stock Analysis is based on data as of January 17. Our members can refresh and get access to an up-to-date AI stock analysis.

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International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) Price Prediction

Based on a combination of financial analysis, technical indicators, and insights from alternative data, we predict that the stock price of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L), currently trading at £356.8, will... Sign up to access price prediction.

This prediction is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Market conditions are subject to change, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Please conduct your own research or consult a professional before making investment decisions.

About IAG.L

  • International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.

  • Symbol


  • Market


  • Industry

    Airlines, Airports & Air Services

  • Market Cap


Similar Stocks

IAG.L Alternative Data

Web Traffic

International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. receives an estimated 438355 monthly visitors to

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News Mentions

International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. was mentioned 0 times in the news yesterday.

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LinkedIn Followers

64,520 are following International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. on LinkedIn, up by 2.7% over the last month.

  • LinkedIn Followers


  • Daily Change


  • 1 Month Change


  • 3 Month Change


Job Postings

International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. currenly has an estimated 1 open job postings.

  • Job Postings


  • Daily Change


  • 1 Month Change


  • 3 Month Change


LinkedIn Employees

According to LinkedIn, International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. has 579 employees, up by 3.8% over the last month.

  • LinkedIn Employees


  • Daily Change


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  • 3 Month Change


Business Outlook
  • Business Outlook


  • Change from Previous Month


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  • YoY Change


IAG.L Financials

IAG.L Key Metrics
  • Total Revenue


  • Net Income


  • Earnings per Share


  • Free cash flow




  • EBITDA Ratio


  • Total Assets


IAG.L 2-year Revenue & Income
IAG.L 2-year Free Cash Flow

IAG.L Technicals



What's the current price of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) Stock?
The price of an International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) share is £356.8.

What's the market cap of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.?
The current market cap of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. is 17.2B.

Should I buy or sell IAG.L?
Multiple alternative data signals suggest that International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. stock could offer a buying opportunity at its current level, with a reasonable expectation for positive performance in the mid term.

Is International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. a good investment?
Based on an in-depth analysis that encompasses fundamentals, technical analysis, and alternative data insights, it appears to be a favorable time to consider investing in International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. stock. The bullish indicators suggest that International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.'s growth prospects and market position may lead to a positive performance in the foreseeable future.

Is now a good time to buy International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) Stock?
Based on an analysis that includes fundamentals, technical analysis, and alternative data insights, it could be a favorable time to consider buying International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. stock, given the bullish outlook.

What are some stocks similar to International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) that investors often compare it to?
International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) is often compared to similar stocks such as United Airlines Holdings, Spirit Airlines, Alaska Air Group, easyJet and JetBlue Airways Corporation.

What is the forecast for International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.'s stock price in 2026?
Using a mix of financial analysis, technical indicators, and alternative data, we forecast International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.'s stock price to be around £402.4 in 2026. Starting from the current price of £356.8, this represents a 12.8% change in price, indicating a bullish outlook for the stock.

How to buy International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. (IAG.L) Stock?
International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. stock is available for purchase through numerous brokerage firms, including online platforms. Investors can also buy International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. shares via trading apps on their smartphones or by utilizing services like robo-advisors for automated investing.